Starting from May 1st, Sunderland beachgoers will be reminded that dog exclusion zones will once again be enforced.
The exclusion zones are in effect on Roker Beach and a limited section of Seaburn Beach until September 30th. These zones are a component of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) implemented by the City Council in 2019.
The PSPO was a response to complaints from residents about various antisocial behaviours, including dog waste and littering, and was reapproved in 2021 after thorough public consultation.

Michelle Coates, Neighbourhood Enforcement Manager at Sunderland City Council, said:
“We know from our Let’s Talk resident feedback that the environment is a top priority for our residents with calls for more enforcement action. More than 90 per cent of those who took part in the consultation we carried out ahead of the last PSPO renewal were in favour of keeping the dog exclusion zones on our beaches as they are.
“We’re aware that not everyone knows about the dog exclusion zones or remembers when they come into force which is why we’re taking this opportunity to remind them. We also have clear signage at both beaches as well as information on our website.”
“We’re lucky enough to have some fabulous beaches in Sunderland with more than enough space for everyone, so we would ask anyone planning to take their dog for a walk along the beach to make sure that they check the signage and observe the zones.”
“We would also ask people to make sure that they clean up after their dogs. Although the vast majority of our residents do this, we still see some irresponsible dog owners who allow their dogs to foul on our footpaths, green spaces and beaches and don’t clear it up. This has resulted in us issuing 226 fixed penalty notices for dog fouling and dog control offences citywide in the last year, and 138 for dog fouling and dog control at Roker and Seaburn beaches over the same period.”
Anyone caught breaching the dog exclusion zones or not clearing up after their dog and disposing of the waste in a dog waste bin or their own bin faces a fixed penalty fine of £100.
For further information on the city’s Public Space Protection Order and the area covered by the dog exclusion zone visit