Pupils from a number of Sunderland Schools will try to smash a world record when The Tall Ships Race 2018 comes to Wearside.
Pupils from 20 schools will perform on one of the event stages, ‘singing in the ships’ as the vessels begin to arrive.
They will be joined by pupils across Wearside singing in their classrooms, as Sunderland attempts to clinch the world record for the most children singing the same song at the same time.
The singing event – which will be livestreamed – will be one of a number of performances put on to celebrate Sunderland being the start port for The Tall Ships Races 2018. Up to 80 ships are expected to arrive in Sunderland.
Yesterday saw pupils at Rickleton Primary get together for a rehearsal to celebrate the launch of the Songs for Sunderland Tall Ships programme.
The Rickleton pupils, aged 9 and 10, were led by The Voices Foundation leader Sally Egan. The Voices Foundation works with organisations across the country to deliver musical education in schools. The session was organised by Sunderland Music Hub, which is part of the organisation Together for Children.
Sunderland Music Hub’s manager, Rebecca Pedlow, said, “Songs for Sunderland Tall Ships is set to be a fantastic project for primary schools across the city.”
“Not only will the children get the opportunity to be involved in a unique event, singing the ships into Sunderland, they will also get to learn and develop their musical skills in the process.”

The headteacher of Rickleton Primary, Colin Lofthouse, said, “We are delighted our school is able to take part in this exciting, memorable event. Our children are excited and looking forward to singing the ships in as they arrive.”
Cllr Louise Farthing, portfolio holder for children’s services at Sunderland City Council, said, “For Sunderland to be the start port for the Tall Ships Races is a great honour and it is fantastic that children from across the city get to join in the build-up and be part of the exciting event through such a unique project.”
“I hope that they thoroughly enjoy the experience and I can’t wait to see them perform in July.”
The Voices Foundation has curated a list of 35 songs for the children to learn for the Songs for Sunderland Tall Ships programme. sunderlandmusichub.org.uk
For more information on the Tall Ships Races Sunderland 2018, please go to www.tallshipssunderland.com.