Sunderland people are being given more time to give their views on plans to strengthen city-wide enforcement powers on a range of anti-social behaviour issues.
An online consultation has been extended to Monday 15 February and the City Council is encouraging people to have their say at
The council is looking to bolster the powers it currently has available to it in response to residents’ calls for more enforcement action, which was one of the key things to come out of the City Council’s Let’s Talk consultation.
Under the Public Spaces Protection Order introduced in 2019, the City Council already has the power to give advice, formal warnings or issue a £75 fixed penalty notice to anyone breaking the current rules around alcohol control, dog control, the use of legal highs in public places and anti-social behaviour linked to street trading.
Council Leader, Councillor Graeme Miller, said: “What came across loud and clear in our Let’s Talk consultation is that the environment is a top priority for our residents and that they want to live in a clean green city.
“So this is about focusing on the concerns that we know the impact on the quality of life of our residents and getting their views on what they think we should be doing to toughen up our current enforcement powers.
“We really want residents to tell us if they’re in favour of the current measures and whether they would like to see further action to control issues such as dogs on beaches and dog fouling, spitting in public spaces and using motorbikes and quad bikes on footpaths and bridleways.
“So I would encourage everyone to have a think about what the issues are in their area or that they see when they’re out and about and take part in this consultation.”