Welcome to the famOrli.
There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel for parents who are struggling to access mental health support for their children.
famOrli provides curated resources, and access to a supportive, professionally-led community. Whether you’re a parent with a child on a waiting list, have been rejected by services, or are simply looking for support, this is the place for you.
Co-founded by Accident & Emergency Doctor Mark Cox, and Assistant Psychologist Euan Bell, the company provides rapid access to professional help at your fingertips.
Current state of mental health support:
Mental health services cannot meet demand, with record waiting lists and overburdened services (BMA, July 2024).
1 in 5 young people in England have a probable mental health condition (NHS, November 2023).
28% of children missed school in 2023 because of anxiety (Stem 4, February 2024).
What’s available now (for free)?
famOrli WhatsApp Groups
Don’t worry – this isn’t your standard WhatsApp group with thousands of random messages.
Managed by our clinical team, we only share useful content, updates on events, and positive messages.
Regular messages of support to help you get through the challenges of supporting your family’s mental health and well-being.
Online events
LISTEN: Live podcasts with a range of guest speakers ranging from professionals, researchers, and lived experience experts. 30 minutes of live discussion with 30 minutes of Q+A.
DROP-IN: Ask A Clinician are group sessions where you can listen in, ask questions, and find advice in real-time support with our clinical team
What parents are saying
Feedback from a parent, following a famOrli Drop-In (names changed for privacy):
“This morning Daisy told me she had the best night’s sleep last night and was feeling happy today. I asked why that might be. She said it was the real issue — the reoccurring worry about a school incident — not her hip size worry. The famOrli support session was so helpful for our family. Getting access to professionals is amazing, Thank you Dr Mark, Roxy and Euan. Talking to an expert seemed so far off/impossible with the current NHS wait times.”
Matt, July 2024
Coming soon
famOrli for Schools and Local Authorities (coming soon)
famOrli will provide a one-stop-shop for parents, teachers and healthcare professionals seeking mental health and SEN support for children.
Future key features will include:
Personalised Roadmap: Curated recommendations mapped to each family’s needs.
Augmented Intelligence Companion: Available 24/7 to provide advice, support and signposting.
Direct Access to Care: Booking private or local resources, providers and activities, all in one place.
WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/ELC2Lt6zYWlE9xsUVMB56R
Website: https://www.famorli.com/
Email: hello@famorli.com