FLOWERS which were once a common sight in parks and gardens will once again bloom on Wearside, with the help of local children (May).
On Tuesday 31 May, Seventeen Nineteen, at Sunderland’s historic Holy Trinity Church, is holding a special, flower themed craft session for those aged three and over.
They will learn the language of flowers – an ancient tradition which gave each flower a symbolic meaning and which is why red roses, which symbolise passion, are still sent on Valentine’s Day.
And they will also be shown how to create their very own flower bombs; hand crafted parcels of heritage flower seeds, which they can take home and scatter in their own gardens.

The session at the newly restored event space is inspired by the work of Griselda Norma Allan who was born in Sunderland in 1905 and achieved national renown for her flower paintings.
A student at Sunderland School of Art, now part of the University of Sunderland, she joined the Royal College of Art in London before teaching drawing at Slade School of Art during the Second World War.
After the war Allan returned to Sunderland and nature became the focus of her art, examples of which will be on show during the event to inspire those taking part.
“The Flower Bomb workshop will be a true celebration of flowers and a wonderful way for children to find out more about them and about Griselda, who really was a remarkable artist,” said Lily Daniels, Participation and Engagement Officer at Seventeen Nineteen.
The Flower Bomb workshop will take place between 10am and 12 noon and those attending are asked to pay only what they feel they can afford.
Refreshments will be available and spaces can be pre-booked at or attendees can just turn up on the day.
For more information about Seventeen Nineteen – which is cared for by national charity, Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) – visit